Saturday, May 3, 2014

Freshman Year: A Recap (Wait, we're recapping already?!)

Now that I'm home for the summer, I've spent some time reflecting on my first year of college. Here's a little recap.
First night in the dorms. I was super lonely because I had to
be there before everyone else because of band camp

Roommate bonding time! Sonic and brick-buying!

First day of classes!
People sent me letters and I loved every one of them! <3
I did marching band!
And it was wonderful!
Pretty soon, a victorious football team meant
the marching band following them to the
national championships in Alabama....
And came back to this weather...
Luckily music students are a resourceful
bunch, so we shoveled out with music stands!
I was honored to be invited to join Kappa Kappa Psi, the
National Honorary Band fraternity! The Kappa people quickly
became like a second family!
We had a women's retreat for Navigators,
which was tons of fun!
Then there was the music fraternity formal....
Which was awesome...
And so much fun!
As the year came to a close, I officially became a member of
Kappa Kappa Psi, and gained so many wonderful, amazing,
caring Brothers!
To sum up this year, it's been one of learning and fun. There have been some downs, but mostly there have been ups. If you would have told me when I first got here that I would be sad to leave, I would have laughed (and then cried because I wanted to go home). But now I can't wait to go back and keep having fun with all of those crazy people I get to call my friends! The Fine Arts building really was full of fun people, fun memories, and fun times, and I also can't wait to move back to South Complex with the wonderful Olivia!
Here's to a fun summer (I'll check you out at HyVee... your groceries that is. :) ) and to a swift conclusion to the school year for my blog-writing pals!

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