Friday, September 27, 2013

Kara's Birthday = 19+1 questions!

It's my birthday and I have decided that that means that I can make all the rules!
Power! So much power!
Just kidding. I just thought I'd do something a little different as a birthday post. Here's what's happenin':
I sent Eliza and Billie 19+1 questions and we all answered them separately. I'm combining them here, and hopefully they'll enlighten and entertain you, or at least occupy your time for a while! So stick around to learn some interesting facts about the three of us! (As a birthday gift to me (or just for fun) you could play along and answer the questions in the comment section!)
1. What's your favorite beverage?
E: Egg Nog comes to mind. A big cold glass on Christmas morning, or in the middle of a hot summer (if you can get your hands on it!). Root beer is pretty darn delicious too!
K: Milk! 2% or Whole, preferably. I also like Orange Pineapple Mango juice. Seriously! Dole makes it and we basically only have it at Christmas or birthdays! Delish! And smoothie! Also smooties!
B: A good mango smoothie beats all else!

2. What are your thoughts on muffins?
E: Lemon poppy seed or blueberry
K: I like blueberry or cinnamon strusel. Also, the food court here sometimes has muffins with apple pieces in them, and those are good, too. Just don't give me a dry muffin. Dry muffins are sad muffins.
B: Love 'em! They're like healthy cupcakes! And I love me my cupcakes, healthy or otherwise!

3. What are your 2 greatest fears?
E: Heights and not getting to be a midwife
K: Throwing up and throwing up in front of people.
B: Hm. Deep question. Being a disappointment. Nothing else comes remotely close.

4. What are your favorite pizza toppings?
E: Sausage
K: Cheese! (or ham and pineapple, if enough other people will go in on it with me!)
B: The pizza better be from Casey's. Because I like pepperoni, but I love taco! But there are oodles of good ones out there. But Casey's is the best!

5. What is the title of the 5th chapter of your least favorite textbook?
E: I think it's about polyatomics or something.... Oh Chemistry...
K: "Input and Output" (It's my Computer textbook. Ick!)
B: "How We Work" from my Acting Out Culture textbook.

6. What was the last film you watched, and had you seen it before?
E: 10,000 B.C. and no I hadn't. Mammoths and saber tooth cats, oh my!
K: Miss Congeniality and I hadn't ever seen it before! It was hilarious!
B: Captain America and yes I had.

7. Imagine that your first child is a girl. What would you name her?
E: Camla. I just found this name and it rocks!
K: Catherine is one idea I have. I also like Cora, but that sounds a lot like my name, so I might go crazy.
B: Isla

8. Imagine that your first child is a boy. What would you name him?
E: Brody, maybe?
K: I've always liked James.
B: Jack

9. Grab the nearest book. Turn to page 27. What is the 9th sentence?
E: "It's a plate of the human female torso, pointing at the right atrium of the heart." from my anatomy textbook. #mylife
K: "God is saying the same thing to you." Fearless by Max Lucado
B: "You feel that more with me than you do with your grandmother, I expect?" from Murder with Mirrors by Agatha Christe.

10.What is your favorite plant or flower?
E: Roses. The cool colored ones like white or yellow roses are especially neat-o.
K: My parents got me a big vase of coral colored roses from Chickenshed for graduation and I absolutely loved them!
B:Weeping Willows, but lilies are my favorite flower.

11. What shirt are you wearing and from where did you get it?
E: Oh gosh, I'm glad you asked! Tonight I ran out of laundry and asked our epically cool RA for a t-shirt on loan to go to dance practice in. It's actually from the little boy's department and has a picture of Perry the Platypus saying "I work out!". How great is that?! (Pretty great, actually!)
K: I've got my 7th grade cross country shirt on. It's the only Ballard sport shirt I own... All the rest are from Student Council and Speech/Theater/Musicals.
B: A 2013 Large Group Speech All-State T-shirt. I got it at All-State. BECAUSE I'M A BLOODY ALL-STATER!

12. How did you spend last night?
E: It (Tuesday night) was fantastic! I got to chat with my bro and joined to answer random questions with a lot of sarcasm. There was also some YouTubing involved.
K: Last night (Tuesday night) I had Bible study and I also finished a short paper or two. There was much listening to country music and also procrastinating by sending Eliza YouTube videos.
B: (Tuesday night) I talked for three hours with my roommate and another set of roommates about racism. Eventually we ended up talking about how the animal kingdom has homosexuality, bisexuals, transgenders, and prostitutes.

13.What has been the most unexpectedly cool thing about college so far?
E: I just can't get over how at home I feel here. I just can't believe it! WHAT A BLESSING!!
K: Pretty much everyone holds open the door for everyone else. Pretty cool. Also, how much my roommate and I get along. It's totally a God thing. We just jive so well!
B: The phenomenal people on my floor! I feel like I've know them more than a month!

14. What is your favorite quote?
E: Probably anything Audrey Hepburn or C.S. Lewis said.
K: "People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway. If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten. Do good anyway. Give the world your best and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway, for you see, in the end it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway." -attributed to Mother Teresea, but actually by Kent M. Keith.
B: Crap. There are so MANY. But I like "A professional is an amateur that didn't quit."

15. What is your favorite Bible verse?
E: Isaiah 41:10- "Do not fear for I am with you. Do not be afraid for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness." Boom!
K: Jeremiah 29:11-"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."
B: Isaiah 41:13- "For I am the Lord your God who takes a hold of your right hand and says to you, 'Do not fear, I will help you.'"

16. Recommend a book in 3 sentences or less.
E: Moccasin Trail won the Newberry medal for being engrossing, historical, heart-touching, [and having a] fantastic plot. OH MY GOSH Jim Keath! I know these characters like my own family, have read it 5 plus times.... and now I'm way over 3 sentences. Gushing adjourned. 
K: The Atonement Child by Francine Rivers is probably the most gripping, heart-wrenching book I have read. It takes you through a whirlwind of emotions and sucks you in from the beginning. I think every teen girl and woman should read it because it will really make you think.
B: I've read many books in my time. Many fantastic, life changing books. And I have a favorite. (Pieces of Georgia by Jen Bryant)

17. What is one food you can make really well?
E: Bacon and Egg Melts. They're Pioneer Woman!
K: One thing I was thinking about was my Sweet Potato Casserole. It's yummy and I'm making it for Thanksgiving again this year. Y'all are gonna miss out!
B: Chocolate Chip cookies. I am the supreme cookie master at my house, and everyone knows it!

18. How long have you known the other two of us and how did you meet each of us?
E: Billie I have known since chorus in 8th grade (or maybe earlier at Cornerstone?) and Kara I've known since 6th grade at the Slater pool.
K: I've known Billie since 5th grade. I remember being fascinated that a girl's name was Billie. I vaguely remember meet Eliza at the pool, but I know the first time we really talked was at Youth Group at the beginning of 7th grade because I remember giving her a hard time about living in a funeral home.
B: I met Kara in 5th grade when we were put in a reading group with two other people in Ms. Tuttle's class. I met Eliza at an audition for a Christmas production when we were in 8th grade.

19. Describe an excellent evening if, say, you went out on a date or hung out with friends. (i.e. Sitting at home eating copious amounts of chocolate is not acceptable...this time.)
E: Go to an amusement park with a British guy and stay their until the lights come on and he buys me a funnel cake. Partaaayyy!!
K: Walking at with my significant other and then going back home and watching a funny movie while sitting on a comfy couch and eating chocolate and raspberries and drinking milk.
B: You want a night out on the town type answer? Cuz most of my fantasies involve popcorn, lemonade, a comfy chair, huge stacks of manga and books, and unlimited streaming of my favorite TV shows, cartoons, anime, and movies. BUT if I had a night were I was out with two or three SUPER close friends and we went out to eat, had dessert, stopped at a book shop on the way home, had a movie night and then delved into a deep conversation about various important topics and analyses at the end of the night... THAT would be perfect!

19+1. What are you most looking forward to in the rest of the year?
E: Leading two different missions trip teams to I-don't-know-where-yet. Pre-teens and 8-10 year olds. I can't even believe I'm signed up to do this!
K: Honestly, I'm looking forward to going home at Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break, [hopefully] Prom, and finally summer break. I just want to be home with my family and my stuff, and I want to make money over the summer.
B: All the cool things my floor mates are introducing me to! So many new experiences with so many new people!

So there you have it! Hope you enjoyed this little game! Thanks for sticking around (and thanks to Eliza and Billie for answering all my questions)! If you'd like, answer one/some/all in the comments! 


  1. I loved that! So great!
    A lot of y'all's answers cracked me up.

  2. Just reread this and it still gives me the happies.
