Two nursing students and a digital media major walk into a blog...
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
One Ringy-Dingy. . .
If you don't understand this picture, watch the video. . . :)
After SOAR, I realized that there would be conflicts with Marching Band and my schedule. Today I called down to NWMSU to figure out how to change my schedule. Here's my advice to you if you want stuff to happen quickly: USE THE PHONE! It seems like a no-brainer, but I know how easy it can be to fire off an e-mail and just wait for a response, because it means that you don't have to talk to anyone. Well, take it from me, the girl who doesn't like to talk to strangers on the phone, that calling people is the way to go!
I talked to 4 people in 20 minutes and each of them either answered my question, fixed my problem, or transferred me to someone who could.
My new class now will be Fundamentals of Oral Communication on TR from 9:35-10:50. Woohoo! Speech!
Hilarious link, Kara! Haha.