Well, this blog has been decidedly silent for a while, so I must share with you some exciting things! There have been many! Most of them are music-related. Let's proceed. (Many pictures today!)
My Kappa family! |
1. I am now a full-fledged member of Kappa Kappa Psi, the National Honorary Fraternity for College Bandmembers! (Yes, formally, bandmembers is one word in this case.) It has been so wonderful to be able to get involved with service to bands. All of my brothers from the fraternity are wonderful and I have become so close to them, which is a total answer to prayer. I'm so glad I have found friends here that share my distinct interest in band and music, and never cease to make me smile, cheer me up, and care about me!
This is my Beaver family. We are so close, and just like real siblings. |
Here are all of the new members and Brittany, who was our teacher or sorts. |
This is us and our Big brothers. We get along well, you might say! :) |
Kappa people like to have fun! Observe:
2.We also have awesome dances! Honestly, this was the most fun I might have had at a dance ever! The company was probably the biggest reason for this!
Parker and Erin, two of my awesome Beaver family members! |
Erin and me! We get along so great. We also like shenanigans. |
Also, Nick asked me to go to formal with him, which might have been one of the coolest, nicest things to happen this semester! I'd never been asked to a dance ever, and it was such a fun time! I also learned how to play blackjack. And then I was informed that I should stay out of casinos.
These pictures look super awkward. They weren't. I promise.
This would also be an appropriate time to give a shout out to Nick for letting me borrow his mouse. Creating this blog post would have been impossible on this tablet sans mouse. (I forgot mine at home. Again. Oye ve!)
It would also be an appropriate time to say thank you to Eliza's mom, Lisa, for the dress and jewelry. They were perfect!
Roadtrip selfie!
(Photo cred goes to Olivia) |
Another thing I am excited about is that I know who my roomie is for next year! Olivia and I got to know each other through marching band last fall and we carpool home all the time! We get along really well, so I'm glad I'll get to share a room with her! We are currently working on plans for fitting a comfy chair in our room next year.
As of today, Tuesday the 15th, I have 15 more days until I can go home for the summer. I am very much looking forward to this, mostly because it will mean that I will get to see certain friends (Eliza and Billie *coughcough*) that I haven't seen in practically forever.
I did go home last weekend, so I got to hang out with my sister and Meghan and experience prom vicariously through them! They both looked so beautiful!
Other great things:
-I applied to be one of the drumline section leaders in marching band next year. I'm excited about this possibility!
-Beaver family movie party plans!
-I am now the new Corresponding Secretary for Kappa Kappa Psi next year! I am really looking forward to this opportunity and I can't wait to be more involved in Kappa and the exec. board!
-Something exciting is happening on Wednesday! It's a surprise!